Global Security PLuS - New approaches to risk analysis in biosecurity

People in white PPE image

Event date : 

Sun, 10/12/2017 - 8:30am to 4:00pm

Location : 

2017 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia, USA

In this workshop, we will introduce participants to game-changers in biosecurity, and explore new approaches to risk analysis. We will also cover methods for predictive modeling which can assist in risk analysis and rapid identification of epidemics, as well as tools for differentiating natural and unnatural epidemics. The workshop will be a combination of lectures, interactive case studies, group work and discussion, and will lead participants through the relevant background and new approaches to risk analysis.

No background in health or biology is required.


Faculty include multidisciplinary experts from Global Security Plus, an expert group of the PLuS Alliance between UNSW Sydney, Arizona State University and Kings College London. Their research expertise includes pandemics, biosecurity, law enforcement, bioterrorism, bioinformatics, economics, and risk analysis.

Who should do this workshop?

Professionals working in emergency response, defense, law enforcement, health policy in government and non-government agencies. There are no pre-requisites.




8.30 am


9.00 am

Introduction to workshop

Dr Sally Kane, UNSW Sydney


Introduction to synthetic genomics, genetic engineering and dual-use research of concern

Dr George Poste, Arizona State University and Global Security PLuS


Lessons from smallpox eradication and risk of re-emergence

Dr J Mike Lane, Emory University

10.30 am



10.45 am


Laboratory risk and insider threat

Chief Thomas Engells, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, UNSW Sydney and Global Security PLuS


Differentiating natural and unnatural epidemics

Dr Raina MacIntyre and Dr Matthew Scotch


Data mining and modeling as a tool for biosecurity

Dr Kathleen Steinhofel, Department of Informatics, Kings College London


Current threats in bioterrorism and health security

Dr Raina MacIntyre, UNSW Sydney, Arizona State University and Global Security PLuS

1.00 pm



2.00 pm


Risk analysis approaches to gain of function research – case study and small group exercise in calculating risk


Genetic evolution of pathogens demystified - introduction to phylogenetic risk analysis and phylogeography for the lay person

Dr Matthew Scotch


Scenario - protection of first responders from biological threats

Chief Thomas Engells

4.00 pm

Wrap-up and Close

Dr Sally Kane, UNSW Sydney